ProactivePack – The best BMC HELIX Operations & TrueSight companion product

Missed our recent ProactivePack for BHOM webinar ?

Check out the recording below !

ProactivePack 24.03 available !

We are pleased to announce the release of ProactivePack 24.03. Key enhancements include :


  • Non interactive mode for
  • Online documentation available and linked into product
  • Allow direct download of logs, configuration, data and PHP error files
  • Bug fixes

Blackout Management

  • Custom Blackouts available in BHOM
  • Comment validation regular expression can be configured
  • REST API improvements
  • Bug fixes


  • Improve display of PPACK monitoring policies in tiles
  • BHOM threshold improvements
  • OOTB reports improvements


  • Allow “run now” for expired tasks
  • Force OS synchro of defined tasks if parameter ForceDefinitionSynchroToOS is set.


  • Rendering on history improved for gui and mails
  • Allow sending mail to anyone

Some cool video links:

Data Editor for BHOM – new video available

We have added new features to our Data Editor for BHOM – among other things the automatic discovery of the enrichment tables, so you are up to speed even quicker !

So – right time to produce a short demo video – see below and turn the audio on.

ProactivePack TestManager

We are pleased to announce the release of our new TestManager module. TestManager automates Event Management functional testing, by allowing the definition and execution of event-based test scenarios.

Key features

  • Define complex test sets in a few clicks
  • Send events to BHOM, TSOM or other platforms
  • Send data
  • Check if event values match expectations (repeat count, state change, enrichment, notifications…)
  • Wait for user validation when the validation cannot be done automatically (E.G. reception of an email…)
  • Automate testing using the REST API

Added value

  • Structure and automate testing of event management scenarios to speed up time-to-production
  • Ease migration from TSOM to BHOM (BAROC- formatted events can be directly sent to BHOM)
  • Save time and money while reducing regression risks in complex event management environments.

Demo video

Check our 90 seconds video below !

ProactivePack 22.11 now available

We are pleased to announce the release of ProactivePack 22.11. Key enhancements include :


  • Brand new configurable Splash page, including bookmarks and shortcuts into page contents.
  • Drop support for PHP 5.5


  • Support for blackout for HELIX AIOps services

Data Editor

  • New backup/restore capability from the GUI (Both for Helix and TrueSight).

Self-Service Monitoring

  • HELIX threshold management improvements


  • Cleanup utility to delete old data from database

ProactivePack present at NTT Data ITSM Info day

In Vienna, November 10 2022 ! Information under this link.

ProactivePack 22.05 now available

What is new in this version

Helix Blackout Management

  • New Module
    • Manage BHOM event blackout policies securely
    • Use calendars created using the Helix Calendar module

Helix Calendar

  • New module

Helix Data Editor

  • New module
    • Manage dynamic enrichment data used in BHOM advanced enrichment event policies
    • Send test events to validate enrichment

Helix SelfService Monitoring Portal

  • Reporting on BHOM Thresholds available

SelfService Monitoring Portal

  • PDF Generation performance improved

Blackout Management

  • The module can be virtualized (i.e. several Blackout modules can be created for e.g. different cells)
  • New parameters:
    • CustomBOFileName to identify the file containing custom blackout definitions
    • BlackoutProfilsModuleName to identify the module containing the blackout profiles
    • BlackoutMgtModuleName to identify the Blackout module used by the Blackout profiles module

Quick Queries

  • In table views, columns resizing now available

ProactivePack sponsor at BMC SKO

ProactivePack sponsored BMC Sales Kick Off FY23 – both in Las Vegas and Dubai

ProactivePack 21.11 now available.

What is new in this version


  • New MenuOrder parameter to control the order of the top-level menu entries
  • End of support for PHP 5.4

Helix Blackout Management

  • New Module
    • Manage BHOM event blackout policies securely
    • Use calendars created using the Helix Calendar module

Helix Calendar

  • New module

Helix Data Editor

  • New module
    • Manage dynamic enrichment data used in BHOM advanced enrichment event policies
    • Send test events to validate enrichment

Blackout Management

  • The module can be virtualized (i.e. several Blackout modules can be created for e.g. different cells)
  • New parameters:
    • CustomBOFileName to identify the file containing custom blackout definitions
    • BlackoutProfilsModuleName to identify the module containing the blackout profiles
    • BlackoutMgtModuleName to identify the Blackout module used by the Blackout profiles module

Data Editor

  • New parameter DisableDataBar to enable/disable the display of the data distribution graph.

ProactivePack now on HELIX !

ProactivePack for HELIX Events is now available. Expand BMC HELIX capabilities using ProactivePack for HELIX Events to easily manage enrichment data, Calendars and Blackouts through a secure and user friendly interface.

ProactivePack allows organizations to securely delegate event enrichment, Blackout management, Calendars management to users without Admin privileges.

ProactivePack for HELIX Event: Blackout creation
ProactivePack for HELIX Event: Blackout creation

ProactivePack for Monitoring V2.0

ProactivePack for Monitoring version 2.0 is available. Now includes wizards for threshold and monitoring configuration, as well as a new configuration reporting UI. Check the presentation or contact us !

ProactivePack for monitoring 1.2 !

The road has been long – but we are proud to release ProactivePack for monitoring 1.2 – true self-service for monitoring configuration & reporting !

ProactivePack sponsor at BMC Sales KickOff in Vegas !

ProactivePack will be sponsoring the BMC Sales KickOff FY2020 in Las Vegas – BMC’ers, partners, speaking customers, see you there April 15-17 !

ProactivePack as an appliance

Proactive is now available as an appliance.

A full appliance for VMWare can be download and include all ProactivePack solutions. This appliance host 3 environements ( Demo, Quality, Production )

Documentation available on

ProactivePack at BMC Tech Days in Paris

Full house for the G2S (Groupama) presentation of their succesful implementation of TrueSight and ProactivePack by StratOrga.

ProactivePack in the US

We have signed, through the BMC MarketZone partnership, a first deal in the US with an important financial services company in New-York City. The first of  a long series !

Version 3.5 is available !

Proud to announce ProactivePack version 3.5 !

We are pleased to announce version 3.5 of ProactivePack. This version includes among other additional features :

  • TrueSight authentication – leverage TrueSight Presentation Server to authenticate in ProactivePack
  • Linked menus in Blackout and DDA Editor – Make choices for slot Y dependent on the choices of slot X
  • Additonal report templates
  • Extensions to the Blackout event API
  • And a lot more ! Check the forum page for details.


Joined IT Concepts / BMC / ProactivePack event in Zürich

Full house on September 20 at the Zürich Sheraton for a presentation of TrueSight and ProactivePack.

Thank you to all attendees and to IT Concepts Switzerland for a great event organization !

ProactivePack on Marketzone and version 3.4.2 released !

ProactivePack is now available globally as a BMC MarketZone product. This means you can buy it through BMC (less paper !), and also provides another proof of the value we deliver in TrueSight environments !

We have also released version 3.4.2 of ProactivePack – check out the new features on our forum  !



October 2017 – ProactivePack 3.3

We are happy to use our brand new website to announce ProactivePack 3.3 ! This release has been packed with new features, either roadmapped from our end or requested on the forum by our growing customer base !

New features include :

  • Global
    • Support for PHP7 and PHP7.1
    • German and Spanish localization, internation date/time formats.
    • Improved security
      • Encryption for all application passwords
      • Improved audit
    • Improved navigation


  • Calendar
    • Visualize which data consume which calendar !


  • Blackout Management
    • Enable/Disable blackouts in one click
    • Tooltips can be added in the blackout form


  • DDA Replication
    • Option to consider only a subset of DDA entries during replication.


  • DDA Modifier
    • Enable/disable an entry in one click
    • Storage of last modifier information
    • Date modification now showing by default in the table view.


  • Quick Queries
    • Context menu available in event reports to create new data directly from events
    • Ability to add background images and objects in a weather map (images, text, urls)
    • Ability to report on class-specific custom slots.
    • Ability to build advanced conditions based on regular expressions

February 2017 – ProactivePack V3.2 is available !

New features include among others :

DDA Replication (new module !)

  • Replicate any DDA from one to many cells
  • Consistency (DDA definition validation)
  • Multiple update mechanisms (overwrite, merge, etc)
  • Comprehensive logging
  • Backup of DDA before applying
  • Integrated in DDA Modifier


  • Help menu in top banner
  • AllowConfigTextEditor permission for direct edition of configuration files.
  • Persistence of table filters & pagination settings.

Blackout Management

  • Add privilege to allow or not ‘apply on existing event’ feature
  • Actions are now in a context menu
  • Impact Management Blackout improved
  • Blackout profile details now available on blackout tabular vie

 DDA Modifier

  • Actions (copy/modify/delete) are now in a context menu
  • New action “view details” for a quick overview of the DDA record
  • “text:” external source to provide simple values to the creation dialog.
  • New configuration parameter SortDirective for a default sort of the table view
  • Integration with DDA Replication module with a new configuration parameter ReplicationTasks
  • Custom extensions can be added to the context menu.

 Quick Queries

  • Event table queries can be defined to use a specific colon set.
  • New drill-down logic from one query to the other (or another dashboard)
  • Event tables queries can be included in dashboards
  • Resizable & repositionable queries in dashboards
  • All emails are sent by the ProactivePack server.
  • Has_substring operator can be used in QuickQueries advanced conditions
  • mc_notes & mc_operations can be stored (as a string) in the main event table and queried upon.
  • “Save as” button to clone existing queries

October 2016

We will exhibit at the BMC Exchange day in London on November 10.

Register here :

September 2016 – ProactivePack V3.1 is out !

New features include among others :

Blackout Management

o   New link from Blackout Profiles to set a Blackout on a Profile

o   Linked menus for easier Object-based blackout

DDA Modifier

o   DDA deletion confirmation window

o   Performance optimizations

Quick Queries

o   Weather charts are now available in all report types

o   Reports can be generated in PDF, HTML or XLS format and sent over email

January 2016 – Announcing ProactivePack V3 !

ProactivePack V3 will release in February. It includes a complete rework of the GUI, now based on a fully responsive framework.

Other cool new features include :

– PDF report generation for Quick Queries – send PDF event reports over email

– LDAP/AD integration for authentication

March 2016 – ProactivePack V3 available !

Full responsive UI and important new features such as PDF report generation, AD integration, and more !!

ProactivePack exhibitor at BMC Exchange in Paris on February 9

Join us at BMC Exchange in Paris for face-to-face meetings and a lot more !


ProactivePack sera présent au BMC Exchange à Paris ce 9 février

Nous serons ravis de vous y rencontrer.
