We are happy to use our brand new website to announce ProactivePack 3.3 ! This release has been packed with new features, either roadmapped from our end or requested on the forum by our growing customer base !
New features include :
- Global
- Support for PHP7 and PHP7.1
- German and Spanish localization, internation date/time formats.
- Improved security
- Encryption for all application passwords
- Improved audit
- Improved navigation
- Calendar
- Visualize which data consume which calendar !
- Blackout Management
- Enable/Disable blackouts in one click
- Tooltips can be added in the blackout form
- DDA Replication
- Option to consider only a subset of DDA entries during replication.
- DDA Modifier
- Enable/disable an entry in one click
- Storage of last modifier information
- Date modification now showing by default in the table view.
- Quick Queries
- Context menu available in event reports to create new data directly from events
- Ability to add background images and objects in a weather map (images, text, urls)
- Ability to report on class-specific custom slots.
- Ability to build advanced conditions based on regular expressions